Describe the concept of pain is sciatica, which are a part of your lower extremities from the buttocks all the way down to the toes. It occurs when your sciatic nerve, a very large bundle of nerve fibers, which begins in the lower back and go down to nerves give information to your legs and feet.
"Sciatica is a general or descriptive term and not a specific disease, because they are caused by many primary conditions. InIn other words, if you sciatica, it is merely a symptom of an underlying condition.
The most common causes of sciatica are:
· Disk protrusions or herniated disc
· Disc Degeneration
· Subluxation, or misalignment of the spine bones
· Spasm of the piriformis muscle in the buttocks
· Tumor of the lower spine
Much is written about disc disease, dents, and hernias. Subluxations are also a lot of particularly emphasized by the doctors of chiropractic. Are tumorsrelatively rare. Piriformis muscle spasm is getting more attention and is always so popular, in fact, "I begin to see me, it's always" on the diagnosis by many primary care physicians of all stripes.
Therefore, this article briefly explain what is piriformis syndrome, as you say, if you really are and what can be done about it.
To piriformis syndrome, you first understand only familiar with two important anatomical structures: the piriformis muscle and theSciatic nerve.
The piriformis muscle is located under your glutes muscles. It attaches to the side of the sacrum or tailbone and inserts into the top of the thigh or hip bones. It is the purpose or action is to rotate the leg outward. The piriform shape varies from person to person.
The largest nerve in the body is the sciatic nerve, which a bundle of nerves, he results from spinal cord in the L4, L5, S1, S2, S3and S4 levels. I too say, because this nerve varies from person to person. Some people have branches, as high as L2 or L3. Feeling on the skin and muscles of the thighs, lower legs and feet are supplied by the sciatic nerve.
For many people the sciatic nerve runs beneath the piriformis muscle and then branches off into two parts on different parts of the lower supply. In other cases, the nerve can be performed before Piriformis and overlapping parts of it and is yet another variant, where the piriformis muscle consists of two parts with the sciatic nerve, the divide between the muscular branches.
Contraction in the piriformis muscle and compacted by spasms in response to stress, injury or chronic postural stress. If it is thick, it squeezes the sciatic nerve, causing the characteristic pain from the buttock into the thigh or lower> Leg.
How to tell if you have piriformis syndrome:
This is a simple 5-second test, that if your sciatica is caused by your Piriformis muscle to show it. Find the area of your piriformis muscle, by using part of your hip bone on the side of the leg, from sticks. Move your finger back towards the buttocks 3-4 cm. You should discuss the piriformis. Specify low pressure with the thumb or finger into your butt on the piriformis area. IfYou have pain only when you press your fingers, you have an inflamed piriformis, but not piriformis syndrome. My sciatica is probably one of the other causes induced mentioned.
If on the other side you have localized pain and also experience numbness, tingling and / or pain radiates to your legs, it is likely you have piriformis syndrome as a cause of your sciatica.
What to do about piriformis syndrome:
SuccessfulTreatment and a good rest and vote often with chiropractic manipulation of the cross and found pools with therapeutic modalities such as heat, stretching, deep massage, electrical stimulation, etc. The original goals of treatment, the inflammation must be reduced by the nerve and reduce spasm the muscle. Later, stretching and active exercises are used to keep relaxes the muscle and prolonged than bundled.
Chronic recurrent piriformis syndrome may indicateThey have a variation of the sciatic nerve and / or piriformis muscle in which you are vulnerable to this problem. As reported, 15% of the population, this variant. It may also indicate piriformis on a disk problem, where the nerves are easily irritated by the Disk protrusions, and then again by a tight muscle. The resultant "double crush" of the nerve causing sciatica. Both the disc and the muscles must be treated for a completeResolution.
Why the confusion and over diagnosis?
Many cases of sciatica, no matter what the underlying cause, present with tightness and sensitivity of the gluteal muscles. Often general practitioners who focus not spend most of their time part of the body misdiagnosed Piriformis tightness and tenderness, causing the sciatica syndrome. True sciatica have piriformis induced leg pain on palpation of the muscle to reproduce. If not, it isonly a narrow muscle soreness.
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